
Hey look! It's been more than a month! Whod've guessed?

Hey team! Guess what I'm still terrible at? If you guessed keeping up with a blog, you'd be absolutely 100% correct! Here's a rundown of what I've done since we last met: I ran in a Relay for Life! Dressed as a male Tinkerbell! My costuming skills continue to improve. This costume was put together with some of my spare green Cotton Spandex, and uses the same cotton-spandex pants as my Hiccup costume will. Hiccup is coming along nicely. I have the pants, shirt, and the main armor piece shaped. I'm still trying to find the time to go to my mother's house to quilt in the scales, but I've gotten a head start on creating the black piece for the shoulders. That's going to be a pretty straightforward piece, now that I've taken a closer look at that. It'll end up being the same vinyl as the rest of the upper armor pieces, but will be covered in the black stretch pleather that I've found. I've made a few of the pieces already that look p

Busy busy busy

Don't you love it when you tell yourself you're going to do something, commit to it, and then don't actually keep up with it? I do that all the time. In fact, I did it with this, and with all the Anime I watch, and TV shows I start, and books I read. This year's been better than most, though. I've been through 11 books so far. Three books ahead of my reading goal for the year, but not as far ahead as I want to be. I'm also finished with Season 1 of Sword Art Online, which I'm watching through for the first time. That whole love story thing people talk about all the time is very overdone, but I'm still really enjoying it. Heck, love stories are one of my favorite parts of anime, and for sure my favorite part of Full Metal Panic. I've also made TONS of progress on Hiccup. I've got both of the costume base pieces done, just need to put the false front on the pants so they match the style of the ones he wears in the movie. The brown "Dra


Well, here we are, post #2. I suppose if I'm ever going to attract any attention on this thing, I should probably talk more about the kinds of things I'm interested in, so you can get a feel for what it is you should expect moving forward. To start, you can pretty well classify me as a nerd. That's not a word I'd take too lightly, if I were you. For me to lay out all the things I'm interested in would probably take several weeks, and would still be grossly incomplete. I suppose one has to begin somewhere, though. I'm really into puzzles. Unusually so. Most of my favorite games have some sort of puzzle-solving element to them. Whether it's a 3D puzzler like The Talos Principle or Portal, or a more relaxed and consistent puzzle game like The Witness, or a story-based puzzle adventure game like the Myst series, Monkey Island or Deponia, I will get so interested that I play through the majority of the game in one sitting. Tales of Monkey Island episodes

Wow, Really?

Yes. I'm doing the thing. Another thing. YET ANOTHER THING. Seriously? But you know what? This is a thing I can actually keep up with. Frequently. At least, that's the theory. Okay, okay, maybe I should write in a way that's at least a little easier to understand. Let's start with an introduction. My name is Chris. I'm a soon-to-be 25 year old author, artist, performer... and middle-manager. I haven't had anything published, had any of my art featured at a local show, and the only time my name has been on a program, the only person who appreciated it was my mother. So why would anyone care about my terrible resume? Well, I keep trying. Isn't that the point? And I guess that means that this is a chronicle of my failure. It might also have a huge section of reviews of the really cool stuff I'm reading, watching, playing, and looking at while I'm NOT making all the creative things I want to make. So, I guess... Enjoy my lack of cre